Google Classroom is a free online learning platform in which it allows teachers to assign a task to be completed by students. The many features in google classroom enable it to be an efficient helper especially when it comes to speaking practices. Below is a general summary of what Google classroom brings:

1. Accessibility
  • Anywhere, anytime and from any computer or mobile devices.
  • Files uploaded are stored in a classroom folder on Google Drive which eliminates the possibility of lost files or worries of crashed computers.

2. Easy Tracking
  • The total number of students enrolled, the number of work submitted and the number of evaluated and returned work are displayed. 
  • Easy detection of students' participation making it more time efficient for teachers.

3. Feedback
  • Individual or group feedback can be given. 
  • A huge motivating factor of participation especially for shy or weak students as teacher's individual feedback is not made public.

4. Sharing

  • Materials submitted can be shared with the whole class thus providing more sample references for good speaking practices. 

5. Engagement
  • Expose students to an online learning system and may help transition into other learning management systems used in higher education. 
  • Interactive and collaborative learning as it allows video, audio upload and open comments.
  • Ownership in learning.
  • Practices during NF2F contact hours.

The idea of using Google Classroom to conduct speaking practices was inspired based on the IRF (sometimes called IRE), Initiate- Response-Feedback/Evaluation process, to scaffold students in their speaking skill. Although this approach has been criticized as lack of genuine communication, however, it is a stepping stone as IRF presents a useful framework for developing meaningful communication in a controlled form.

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